かれは研究室 - Kareha Lab -
This is the diff between the backup and the current copy.
# かれは研究室 - Kareha Lab -
## ようこそ - Welcome -
こんにちは! Hello! 🙃
I love Science, Philosophy and Fantasy!
Science unveils the secrets of the universe, Philosophy seeks the meaning behind them, and Fantasy imagines worlds yet to be.
I embrace them all.
## SNS や ブログ - Social Media and Blogs
* [ちゃつみ (@tyatsumi@mstdn-jp.site) - mstdn-jp](https://mstdn-jp.site/@tyatsumi)
* [ちゃつみ (@tyatsumi@gingadon.com) - 銀河丼](https://gingadon.com/@tyatsumi)
* [@kareha - 哲学.cafe](https://philosophy.cafe/u/kareha)
* [あき かれは – Aki Kareha – 絶望の先へ誘(いざな)おう – I shall call you forth beyond despair –](https://inko.raindrop.jp/aki/)
## コンピュータ関連 - Computing -
* [後付けの型付け](retrofitted-typing) - Retrofitted Typing -
## 創作 - Fiction -
* [パロネーム](parody-names) - Parody Names -
Shh... I found this hidden site where girls from your city are waiting for new messages. Don't tell anyone - https://d.webtune.space/